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Jo Clubb
3 min read
How a Rejected Paper Won a Nobel Prize
George Akerlof's paper "The Market for ‘Lemons’" was initially rejected by 3 journals. It became seminal work that led to a Nobel Prize.

Jo Clubb
7 min read
Learning from Science Gone Astray
In "Why Trust Science?" Oreskes highlights five required themes to produce reliable knowledge. Each are discussed in relation to performance

Jo Clubb
4 min read
The Dark Side of Expertise: Cognitive Entrenchment
As you develop greater expertise, you have the potential to become entrenched in your thinking. How do you avoid cognitive entrenchment?

Jo Clubb
5 min read
Do you change your mind when the facts change?
It is our duty as scientists to maintain doubt, consider the (un)certainty, and update our beliefs on the basis of new evidence.
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