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Jo Clubb
2 min read
Looking for Sports Science Insights?
I am building a YouTube channel for sports science and medicine practitioners to help distil key insights from research and applied practice

Jo Clubb
3 min read
How a Rejected Paper Won a Nobel Prize
George Akerlof's paper "The Market for ‘Lemons’" was initially rejected by 3 journals. It became seminal work that led to a Nobel Prize.

Jo Clubb
2 min read
Mini: Bottlenecks
Bottlenecks are inevitable. Every system will have a point that limits its efficiency. Where is the bottleneck in your screening process?

Jo Clubb
3 min read
12 Lessons from 12 Months in Self-employment
I am one year into "going it alone".
Here are my 12 lessons from 12 months in self-employment.

Jo Clubb
2 min read
Mini: Hospitality Quotient
Shake Shack Founder Danny Meyer has a Hospitality Quotient of six essential interpersonal skills. These are relevant to sports practitioners

Jo Clubb
6 min read
Gender Diversity in Sports Science
Here I discuss practical steps that sports teams and practitioners can take to promote gender diversity in the workplace and industry.

Jo Clubb
2 min read
Mini: Signalling
Signalling is a powerful tool in our campaign to gain athlete buy-in. Humans’ actions provide an influential form of feedback.

Jo Clubb
1 min read
Talking the Intersection of Science and Sport on the Physical Preparation Podcast
I had the pleasure of chatting with Mike Robertson for his Physical Preparation Podcast. We discussed the intersection of science & sport.

Jo Clubb
2 min read
Mini: Compound Interest
Using compound interest as an analogy for performance can be useful to explain the consistency and patience required from habits to pay off.

Jo Clubb
5 min read
Juggling Value & Burden in Data Collection
When considering a data collection process, it is important to deliberate on both value and burden it will place on the athlete.

Jo Clubb
4 min read
The Dark Side of Expertise: Cognitive Entrenchment
As you develop greater expertise, you have the potential to become entrenched in your thinking. How do you avoid cognitive entrenchment?

Jo Clubb
6 min read
Training Load: Science or Semantics?
One group propose the terms load and training load breach “principles of science”, including the SI, & should be abandoned in sports science

Jo Clubb
6 min read
Winning "Unwinnable" Games with Calendar Optimisation
No matter the constraints (opponents, time, turnarounds, locations), there is always an opportunity to put the team in a position to perform

Jo Clubb
5 min read
Perspectives on Perspectives: Using the Zoom Button
When I watch the incredible Cosmic Eye video (below), I think of a particularly desirable skillset of a support staff member: the ability...

Jo Clubb
5 min read
When Interventions Do More Harm Than Good
“Naïve interventionism” describes intervening, based on an urge to help, without weighing up the potential harm of such an intervention.

Jo Clubb
1 min read
Talking EPL - NHL - NFL on the Pacey Performance Podcast
I recently had the privilege of being invited onto the Pacey Performance Podcast. Among many topics, Rob and I discussed the benefits of...

Jo Clubb
2 min read
How Training Load is Used in Elite Sport for Athlete Management
This post outlines our new publication in the International Journal of Sports Medicine on how training load is used for athlete...

Jo Clubb
5 min read
Why we Need to Rethink using Bar Graphs
Data visualisation is an important skill for all sports scientists. Here, we consider how we best display data in graphs.

Jo Clubb
1 min read
Building Collaboration in New Environments for HIIT Science
I was honoured to be invited by Dr. Martin Buchheit and Dr. Paul Laursen to write a guest blog for their website, HIIT Science. Martin...

Jo Clubb
3 min read
Starting with Why in Sports Science
Last summer I was excited to attend the Seattle Sounders Sports Science weekend. I was honoured to be asked to present at the event and...
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